Saturday, April 30, 2011

African Humor

I got my first request a few days ago to do a blog about African humor. :)

What is African humor? Well, it's humor (lol, I know that's lame) but in a way that Africans understand it. It's funny once you catch on to the meanings of the joke; however the humor goes away once you have to explain everything.

Trying to explain "African humor" to non-Africans is a bit of a challenge. When I was in high school, I used to have two sets of friends: the Africans and the non-Africans. It seemed as if the two would never mix. But when my African friends made "African" jokes, I would laugh and laugh and laugh! My non-African friends would just stare--they never really understood the humor. As I mentioned before, after I explained the joke, they would still get it but it just wouldn't be as funny anymore.

To some people, African humor may be offensive. I think of any examples, but if  I do I will post it. But any humor is meant to poke fun at something and not to be offensive; otherwise all humor would be offensive.

Anyway, humor is humor no matter how you put it!

1 comment:

  1. I love being African! The other day i was sitting on a bench at a shopping mall, eating fries, and my phone was on the bench. so some man walks by and greets me nicely. when i said i was fine, he said, "yah...i can see you're really fine, because you are just enjoying your chips and magazine while your phone is alone there"!!! lol! and i immediately picked up on the hidden meaning and picked up my phone....

